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Published on June 8, 2012 By LizMarr In Personal Computing

Argh Firefox, it's pretending to be Windows 8. It has a pseudo Speed Dial that is 3x3 and I can't see any way to adjust. I use the REAL Speed Dial with 10 tabs and some with 30 squares. They are going to tell me I only need nine squares?  Oh sigh, Firefox what did you have to betray your very core.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 09, 2012

I'm a visual person and I can't see very well. The Speed Dial type of system gives me pictures of the pages themselves, or I can use just an image of a detail (like the WC lizard) then I know what it is. The regular bookmarks with words only or pea-sized images take a bit to read and if my hand shakes the whole thing rolls back up and I have to start looking all over again (yes, they are sorted into folders) I have a bunch of seldom used links there though. Research links for my writing, links for Geocaching that I don't look at enough, graphics design and hints, photography, and so on. It isn't that I don't use bookmarks. With the visual system I click a page, say "Publishing", then look for the right image - or I have memorized "upper left", check the name, and I'm on my way. Shaking mouse day, no problem, even my smallest image is an inch and I can target it. Fast, not nearly as frustrating. I can tell you that these forums are on the aqua page, upper right square. Zoom, there already. (several copies of WC and other customizing sites are there too)

on Jun 09, 2012

taltaamir,  use chrome for a different set of browsing for different types of information 

which is unrelated to what I said.

I said that firefox is not ripping off metro, its ripping off google chrome.

The statement that chrome and firefox are useful for different things is one I agree with (I use both, for different things) but is unrelated to my argument.

on Jun 10, 2012

I'm trying to figure out when I opened my Firefox is if the advertisement I got automatically was FF or my ISP.

on Jun 10, 2012

I have had speed dial available in opera for a long time. I find it annoying. There was a time when I thought it would be cool to set up a home page that had links to all of my favorite websites, but 99% of the time I just click on google anyways. Since modern browsers auto-complete your address bar with recently visited websites, I find that typing 1-3 letters and pressing enter is a very easy way to get where I need to go.

on Jun 11, 2012

Speed Dial isn't for everyone that is for sure. And the one version is the only that is multi-page and configurable. The rest are about the same, mostly one page. I get disgusted pretty quick with those.

Google sends the links THROUGH their web site. Anything you click on goes through some iteration of Google first. I'm told that it is part of their analytics. The same that some places have sued them to stop or put a switch on. As for searching, the things I search for are vague enough that I might not want the place I was last time, I want the ones I found before that or I want some new ones that I haven't seen. Bookmarking keeps them where I can find them so I don't have to dig through Google's interpretation of what I want to find things.

As for the click thing, using CTRL-Click opens the link to a new tab sans going through Google - loads remarkably faster.

on Jun 12, 2012

I turned off the speed dial thing. I'm using an old system at the moment and this old Pentium 4 just can't handle the speed dial setup. Another thing that angers me about Firefox is the scrolling in bookmarks. Seems it scrools back to the top without my consent.

on Jun 12, 2012

yeah, try it with shaky hands. dumb thing always scrolls up (thus the argument for any other program) I wonder how a handicapped person can use some of this software.

Your comment about Pentium 4 makes me giggle. My desktop is a P4 and my 2002 server is P90 (with something like a screaming 126 memory) The desktop was best of it's class when I got it, I have a matching laptop in a drawer. It served me well. Currently the P4 serves as a surveillance cam server, which suits it well. I recently installed QtWeb browser. It's about as plain as can be (can be run portable) And to think, I used to play WoW and EQII on the poor thing.

on Jun 19, 2012


The same text as in the email I received. The title was "3 new Firefox features have arrived" Can someone tell me what the third one is? I'm having a problem finding it.

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