I live in the suburbs. For over 20 years I lived so far out in the forest that it took half an hour to get to town, and if there had been a storm recently I wasn't getting there at all. Two weeks without electricity was not a burden. I miss living in the forest. Anyhow, I live in town now. My husband and I can't afford to live on our own (damn economy) so we live at a woman's house and trade paying some of the bills for a room. So, for the birds.
The last few days the wild birds have started up in the middle of the sub-morning. It is still nearly pitch black and one that sounds like a forest bird starts up. I've never heard this bird before, it is one of the principle "good morning" birds out in the pastures. Now it sings outside my window. Perhaps he can't afford in the forest anymore either. But I digress. When the morning sky turns grey, more birds join it. One of the most notable is the mourning doves. Then the house birds start to answer. The house birds are a type of grass parakeet called "Bourke" and their pretty voice blends in with the various songs as they try to answer. For several days now I have been greeted with this serenade.
Did I mention I was trying to sleep in? Thank the good lord the crows do, because when they start their raspy cawing the rest of the birds leave.