I've got a couple DesktopX fishes and a couple butterflies that occupy my dual monitor desktop. They are set to stay on top of things so I can enjoy them when I have a couple full window apps running or a bunch of small windows. They move around and most of the time I have a tough time even locating them - until I open a window I need to be interactive with. They never bother internet browser, never bother graphic viewer, I forget they are even around when file hoping through windows explorer. should I open a window for Word or my graphics editor... then I have all four occupying the space I am trying to mouse or type. Many times I have to pause what I am doing to watch them swim away or grab the silly things and move them to the other monitor.
Why is this? Are they built with the same AI that mimics a puppy? I just find it fascinating heretofore invisible widgets appear when all I do is start Word.