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Published on April 11, 2012 By LizMarr In Off-Topic

I've got a couple DesktopX fishes and a couple butterflies that  occupy my dual monitor desktop. They are set to stay on top of things so I can enjoy them when I have a couple full window apps running or a bunch of small windows. They move around and most of the time I have a tough time even locating them - until I open a window I need to be interactive with. They never bother internet browser, never bother graphic viewer, I forget they are even around when file hoping through windows explorer. should I open a window for Word or my graphics editor... then I have all four occupying the space I am trying to mouse or type. Many times I have to pause what I am doing to watch them swim away or grab the silly things and move them to the other monitor.

Why is this? Are they built with the same AI that mimics a puppy? I just find it fascinating heretofore invisible widgets appear when all I do is start Word.

on Apr 12, 2012

May be you should set its level to Normal or Desktop. Graphics n text editors compete with ur DX widgets to be on top. 

on Apr 12, 2012

Wassup Superman...long time no see. Thought the Kryptonite might have gotten you.


Liz, seems office apps mess with blinds too. It the Microsoft way, I guess.

on Apr 12, 2012

I don't mind the little guys most of the time. It's only when they all meet together at once in front of my mouse that it gets creepy. I thought that it was coincidence, didn't realize there could be a cause. I thought maybe other people had ghosts too! The odd one is the one that swims on top of the screen saver, I wonder if I could set them all to do that. I think I'll just keep putting them to the other monitor.


on Apr 12, 2012

I'll get dizzy.

on Apr 12, 2012

I'll get dizzy.

Get? Get!?

on Apr 12, 2012

Double post.